Workshop Checklist.

Support Services and Equipment

Sponsoring organizations are asked to provide on-site technical support services and equipment. The following is a list of minimum requirements.

  1. A meeting room that can comfortably accommodate a total of 20-25 participants.
  2. Computer with a connection to a 52” or bigger LED or LCD TV/Monitor. If not available, then a connection to an LCD Projector (e.g., Proxima). Please note: the LCD Projector must be bright enough to be visible in daylight and/or when the overhead lights are on.
  3. Internet access.
  4. Password and User ID provided to workshop leader for Internet access.
  5. On-site technical support available (in case of difficulties with Internet access) and the phone number of the technician.
  6. Whiteboard or flip charts with at least 3 markers.
  7. A desktop or full standard podium and a table in the front of the room for the workshop leader.

WOWI Career Assessment uses comprehensive scientific techniques to incorporate career interests, work-related skills, & work styles to find the best career matches.