A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments, Sixth Edition
Chris Wood | Danica G Hays

“…the WOWI provides several advantages over its competitors…it is more comprehensive than similar assessments. Additionally, the WOWI has the advantage of linking directly to the Department of Labor Occupational Outlook Handbook and to the Department of Labor O*NET. Respondents can therefore quickly move from a review of their results to job exploration in a nationwide database.

Eugene P. Sheehan, Dean
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments, Fifth Edition
Edited by: Edwin A. Whitfield, Rich W. Feller, Chris Wood

The inventory and the three reports can provide a career counselor and a client with a good deal of information to provoke discussion about job-related strengths and weaknesses along with information about career interests, job temperament, and satisfaction factors as well as a list of potentially relevant jobs. In the hands of a competent counselor, this wealth of information could be put to good use in assisting a client narrow a career focus.

Eugene P. Sheehan, Dean
College of Education and Behavioral Sciences
University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO

A Counselor's Guide to Career Assessment Instruments, Third Edition
Editors: Jerome T. Kapes, Marjorie M. Mastie, Edwin A. Whitfield

The WOWI is designed to provide an assessment of three major considerations in vocational counseling, planning, and career decision making: interests (Career Interest Indicators), aptitudes-abilities, and temperaments (Job Satisfaction Indicators). Combining these three types of information into one system is the greatest accomplishment of the system's developers.

Karl Botterbusch, Professor
Rehabilitation Research and Training Center
University of Wisconsin-Stout

WOWI Career Assessment uses comprehensive scientific techniques to incorporate career interests, work-related skills, & work styles to find the best career matches.