WOWI Career Assessment

People are multidimensional. Your assessment should be too.

WOWI is a scientifically-developed, objective assessment that incorporates 3 dimensions to uncover the optimal career matches!


50 years leading the way

The first empirically-based, fully-integrated, multidimensional career assessment.

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You are Unique

You need a career assessment that measures more than one aspect of who you are. WOWI does just that.

WOWI measures up to 35 different factors to create actionable career matches.

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Reveal what drives you. Are you a People, Data, or Things person… or some combination?


Are you a 'people' person?

Do you like working with people (or animals as if they are people)?


Just the facts.

Do you like working with information, knowledge, and concepts?


Is your 'thing' things?

Do you like working with machines, tools, equipment, and the hottest new gadgets?

Choose us. Get more.

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You can use screen readers to take the WOWI assessment.


Take the WOWI assessment on your desktop, tablet, or smart phone.


WOWI helps the people who help people

Rehabilitation Services | WIOA Programs | Indian and Native American Programs | High Schools | Adult Education | Apprenticeship Programs | Colleges and Universities | Military and Veterans Services | Goodwill Industries | Services for the Blind and Visually Impaired

Making communities stronger

In local communities, WOWI can benefit job seekers, laid off workers, youth, incumbent workers, new entrants to the workforce, veterans, persons with disabilities, and employers. WOWI helps promote an increase in the employment, job retention, earnings, and occupational skills improvement by program participants. This, in turn, improves the quality of the workforce and improves the productivity and competitiveness of the nation.

Career decision-making | Career exploration | Education and training | Job placement | Personnel selection

WOWI Career Assessment uses comprehensive scientific techniques to incorporate career interests, work-related skills, & work styles to find the best career matches.