
Hear from the people who help people!

WOWI Assessment

WOWI has allowed me to cut out a couple additional tests I’ve been using, and on average so far is saving me 45 minutes to an hour in actual testing. And, while I know y’all have ample data comparing WOWI with other tests—I can definitely corroborate that now.

—David White
Operations / Evaluation
Easterseals West Central Alabama

Incorporating the World of Work Inventory as an essential tool for mining crucial vocational information, has proven to be insightful and empowering. It brings a level of sophistication, yet maintains its simplicity and succinctness in career planning and important discussions of vocational direction and support to our clients.

—Jonathan Utrera
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Washington Department of Services for the Blind (DSB)

I would wholeheartedly recommend WOWI for any organisation. It provides a reliable profile of individuals and accurately predicts if they will settle into your organisation and be a long-term success. I’d place its value ahead of any other provider in this space.

Thank you WOWI!

—Gary Colleran
Chief Executive Officer
Healthcare interAction

The information provided in the WOWI reports really sticks with you! I think the WOWI would be beneficial for all high school students in our state to give them a different perspective on their career interests and the importance of understanding their work style.

—Sirena Tennyson
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA)

We are using WOWI a lot in our Job Search Workshops. Customers love it. WOWI offers positive and uplifting assessment language.

—Darlene Hunter
Employment & Training Supervisor
Monterey County Department Of Social Services

The WOWI comes complete. It is a more functional assessment having aptitude, work style, and career interests in one assessment rather than piecing together separate inventories. The WOWI gives us a great tool to work with as we help students find their path.

—Lee Rose
Adult Education Instructor
Axiom Education & Training Center (AETC)

The WOWI website is user-friendly and easy to administer. We have many customers who are unsure about their career paths and are looking for assistance in determining which direction to take. It’s exciting to have a tool available that may be so helpful in meeting this need.

—Jason Warfle
Job Center Supervisor
Alaska Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD)

The WOWI uncovers the mysteries of individual aptitudes, job satisfaction indicators, career potentials, and opportunities, setting the table for success for anyone willing to sit down and partake.

—William MacDonald
Work Ready Facilitator/Instructor
Mountain View Correctional Facility


As a provider of services to the blind and visually impaired, we recognize the importance of accessibility in assisting our clients in achieving independence. The ease with which our clients can navigate WOWI's website using JAWS and other screen readers has been a significant factor in helping our clients achieve autonomy.

—Dawn Jones
Manager of Employment Services and Performance Management
Cleveland Sight Center

My colleagues and I are very pleased with the way WOWI staff is so accommodating to the accessibility needs of those people who are blind and visually impaired, even modifying specific web features to be user friendly to those relying on screenreading software. Kudos to WOWI for excellent flexibility and responsiveness.

—Tony Jorgensen
Training Manager
Lighthouse for the Blind

We like the WOWI because it assesses so many different aspects of the individual’s interests, aptitudes, and personality to generate career options. It is not timed so can be used for clients who read slower or have dexterity issues such as individuals with Cerebral Palsy (CP).

—Becki Hoff
Regional Administrator
North Dakota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

WOWI’s comprehensive assessment provides good career information and feedback to those we serve and fits in well with our agency’s goals. WOWI has become a very useful and easy to use tool in our toolbox. I very much appreciate you making the WOWI administration process so user friendly. Rock On!

—Paul Reamer
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor III
Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

I can say that the comprehensive approach to career exploration that the WOWi documents is by far one of the best ways to assist individuals with a disability.

—Chris Bean
Rehabilitation Counselor
Maine Bureau of Rehabilitation Services (BRS)


Several of my colleagues are green with envy that they didn’t sign up to attend the training.

—Lynnette Roche
Service Coordinator
California Department of Rehabilitation (DOR)

I found the WOWI training to be extremely helpful. It was very insightful and interesting as well. The training was essential to me. It enabled me to be able to utilize this very important counseling tool.

—Ryan Larson
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
North Dakota Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

I loved it. I tried to get somebody in there to take it as soon as I could! If you're enthusiastic about it, you get the client enthusiastic about it.

—William Marchant
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
South Puget Intertribal Planning Agency

I definitely learned some things about the WOWI that I wasn't aware of before and it was just good to get a sense of the detailed nuances of how to interpret certain aspects of the reports.

—Michele Morris
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor 3
Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

It was amazing! Sometimes I struggle with trainings because it can be a little bit dry or I can be easily distracted but this one I actively paid attention to. I'm actually excited for clients to take the WOWI. It was a great training and I really recommend it.

—Cheyanne Smallwood
Program Assistant
Aleutian Pribilof Islands Association, Inc. (APIAI)

I was pleasantly surprised by the depth of analysis that was included in the WOWI workshop. The WOWI is extremely comprehensive compared to other assessments I have used.

—Heidi Holst
Outreach and Training Coordinator
Maine Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

The WOWI training was wonderful and everything I hoped it would be. I took the assessment and it was so accurate with the results. It was uncanny, because the two career choices are definitely what I stand out in. WOWI is the way to go!

—Lorrie Frost
Vocational Specialist
Skookum Contract Services

I came back to my office and immediately wanted to give all my clients the WOWI! I think this training should be mandatory. I recommend it highly!

—Joan Lopez-Stuit
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

This training helped out in interpreting unusual situations that often occur in real life. It explained a complicated topic in an understandable way. Even an experienced counselor would get a lot out of this training—Strongly recommend.

—Thomas Larrick
Vocational Rehabilitation and Education Director
Lummi Vocational Rehabilitation (LVR)

My understanding of the WOWI is far greater than I had expected after attending a level 1 and 2 workshop. I totally wish I had this as a young adult.

—Renee Wagner
WorkSource Specialist 4
Washington Employment Security Department (ESD) - Kitsap

Workshop Leaders

Dr. Neidert is a fantastic presenter. He kept the WOWI workshop very interactive and made all the information accessible.

—Heidi Holst
Outreach and Training Coordinator
ME Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

The real-life examples that Dr. Neidert shared in the WOWI workshop were eye-opening for me. I've been working as a vocational rehabilitation counselor since 2003 and Dr. Neidert really opened my eyes as to how I can help my clients.

—Sirena Tennyson
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA)

I loved it. The workshop leader was really knowledgeable and very thorough. He seemed to ask the right questions to make us think about our answers and that made it really interesting. The workshop has definitely affected my confidence in interpreting results.

—Robin Moreau
Employment Specialist
Employment Security Department WA State

I thought that Dr. Neidert was a great instructor. He was very personable and he definitely knows his stuff. It was both an informative and fun experience.

—Michele Morris
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor 3
Washington Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)

Dr. Neidert's anecdotes allowed me to put the WOWI into context with how it helps our youth and where it stands in the broader global context of career assessments. I would recommend anyone interpreting WOWI results to take this workshop. It was well worth the time and money!

—Amanda Bambrick
Employment Services Manager
RAMS Hire-Ability

I had a BLAST! Dr. Neidert is such a good teacher, this WOWI enables us to help someone in a meaningful way. That is the catalyst for joy in my book!

—Margo Hanlon
CareerCenter Consultant
Maine Department of Labor

The WOWI workshop was excellent. Dr. Neidert was perfect and kept everyone engaged. He has a knack for presenting the information in a way that addresses the needs and experience level of everyone in the room.

—Michaela Phelps
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor
Alaska Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR)